Xlash 2.0

Xlash 2.0

Store for cosmetics from the Swedish company Xlash.


Our projects use the Gutenberg editor to provide clients with an easy-to-use content management platform. Gutenberg enables efficient creation and editing of content on the website using blocks, making the process of creating posts or pages more intuitive. With flexible formatting options and responsive design, our Gutenberg-based projects are adapted to various devices, enhancing user comfort.

Online shop

We design modern online stores that not only present products attractively but also provide a safe and convenient shopping experience. Our platforms are optimized for the smoothness of the purchasing process, including features such as a shopping cart, online payments, and order management. We place a strong emphasis on the aesthetics of product presentation and ease of navigation to increase conversions and customer satisfaction.


Our websites have been optimized for loading speed by implementing best practices in Pagespeed. We focus on minimizing the loading time of websites, resulting in better user experiences and a positive impact on the site's ranking in search results. We prioritize code optimization, use of caching technologies, and optimized graphics to ensure efficient loading, even on slower internet connections.